Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Tree

 We got a live Christmas tree this year.  Within 10 minutes of having the tree up, our cat climbed up to the top and tipped the entire tree over, spilling water everywhere. 
 Jennifer was so excited to put the star on the top.
 I love the smell of Christmas trees.  The kids had a great time decorating.
Uh...did I mention we got in on Thanksgiving morning?  Yes, yes we did.  We got it at Smith's grocery and Zac was able to pick out the largest tree.  Later on that day, we drove by and they only had 2 Charlie Brown looking trees left.  Zac thought I was crazy when I sent him out in the morning until he saw what was left.

1 comment:

  1. How fun to get a live tree! We got one a few years ago and the kids loved it! That cat of yours is hilarious. Way to beat everyone crowd!
